
@View has its own access via the terrace @OpenAir. With separate wardrobe room, the noble as well as functional room can be used independently and in direct connection with the other rooms. As the name suggests, you have a view of the moving street scene and at the same time a very quiet atmosphere.
Wireless you have access to the large monitor, which is embedded in the wall. Flipcharts, metaplan walls and a moderator’s case will of course be provided.
Culinary breaks can be enjoyed in the directly adjacent room @Pavilion and/or the terrace@OpenAir. We are happy to support you in the planning and design of your events. Feel free to contact us!
Seating options
Parliament: 28 PAX
Series: 50 PAX
Block: 30 PAX
U-Form: 26 PAX
Standing reception: 30 PAX
Round tables: 24 PAX